Consumer Protection Regulations (Cancellation of a Transaction), 2009-2020
In terms of authority under section 01F and 73 of the Consumer Protection Law, 5741-0890 (hereinafter - the Law),
In consultation with the Minister of Communications, the Minister of Tourism, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Science,
The Minister of Culture and Sports and the Minister of Finance, in consultation with the Commissioner and with the approval of the Knesset's Economics Committee
Installs these regulations:
1. In these regulations -
"Original packaging" - an object and any material used by the manufacturer or importer, as a wrapper for the product
Which is manufactured or imported and which is not an integral part of the product and is not essential for the use of the product;
"Cancellation fee" - as defined in section 01 e) d (of the law;
"Goods" - goods for which the price paid exceeds NIS 02.
2. A consumer may cancel an agreement in accordance with paragraphs (0) to (3) provided that the cancellation of an agreement for the purchase of goods
Provided that the consumer returns them to the dealer and the goods are not damaged or used by the purchasing consumer;
Returning the goods in the original packaging will be sufficient evidence of not using them -
(0) For the purchase of goods or types of goods as stated in items 0 to 6 and 07 of the addendum - within 01 days
From the date he received the goods; For details 0 to 7, 6 and 07 for addition, open the original package
Per se will not be considered use or defect in the goods unless proven otherwise; Connecting the goods
Electricity, gas or water will be considered for this purpose use of goods;
0) For the purchase of goods or types of goods as stated in item 3 of the addendum - from the date of purchase until the end of Monday
Days after that which are not rest days provided that the price label on the goods, if any, has not been removed;
7) For the purchase of a service as stated in items 9 and 8 of the addendum - within 01 days from the date of making the agreement
Provided that the cancellation is made 01 days that are not at least rest days, prior to the date of commencement of service;
1) For the purchase of a service as stated in details 02 to 08 of the addendum - within 01 days from the date of making
The transaction or from the date of delivery of a written contract or a written document as stated in section 07 c) c (of the law, according to
The latter, whether or not the service was commenced and even if the transaction is for a fixed period;
0) For the purchase of goods and services as stated in item 02 of the addendum - for the purchase of goods, within 01 days
From the date he received the goods and for the purchase of a service, within 01 days from the date of the transaction or from the date
Delivery of a written contract or a written document as stated in section 07 c) c (to the law, whichever is later, whether applied
In the provision of the service or not and even if the transaction is for a fixed period, but in a transaction that is not
Continuous transaction as defined in section 07C of the Law, within 01 days from the date of the transaction until
Two days, other than rest days, before the date of commencement of service;
6) For the purchase of goods as stated in item 00 - within 01 days from the date of the transaction, provided that it has not yet been made
Registered in the name of the consumer according to the Traffic Ordinance [new version] (hereinafter - the Traffic Ordinance);
3) For the purchase of goods as aforesaid in particular 00 - from the date of purchase until the end of two days thereafter that are not days
(A) If the consumer cancels the purchase agreement, as stated in regulation 0, the dealer will reply to the consumer, less fees
The cancellation as stated in regulation 0 and subject to sub-regulations (b) (to) (e), the full consideration paid or will be canceled
His charge, provided that the consumer has presented an invoice or cash register receipt or replacement note indicating the actual execution
The transaction with the dealer or other proof regarding the actual execution of the transaction, its date, the amount paid on its behalf
And the means of payment.
(B) If the consumer is required to purchase goods for the purpose of receiving a service, the consumer is entitled to return them to the dealer even if
They are used as long as they are not damaged and the dealer will refund the consumer his money.
(C) If the goods used to provide a service have been installed in the consumer's house, the consumer will pay the dealer the
The installation cost in an amount not to exceed NIS 022.
(D) If the consumer cancels an ongoing transaction as defined in section 07C of the Law, which began when it was issued, he will pay
The consumer the relative consideration for the use he made of the service.
E) The return of the consideration will be possible at the dealer from whom the product was purchased, as well as at each of the branches
The dealer or the points of sale of the dealer; These provisions shall not apply to the franchisee of the dealer provided
That the franchisee presented, in a prominent place in his business a notice to that effect; In this sub-regulation, "franchisee" - has the right to use
In the name of the dealer while maintaining a separate accounting business system.
(A) The return of the consideration, as stated in regulation 7, will be on the date of cancellation of the transaction, as far as possible or on time
Closest to it and no later than seven business days and will be made in the manner in which the payment is made; Was
Payment in cash The return of the consideration will be in cash or by cash check; There was payment in check - if paid
The check, the return of the said consideration will be within five days from the date paid; There was payment by card
Credit, the dealer will cancel the charge and if the dealer's account wins, the dealer will refund the amount to the consumer
Who wins it in cash or a cash check or notifies the consumer's credit card company of the cancellation of the transaction
And the credit card company will credit the consumer's credit card immediately with the amount charged as long as it was
The credit card company can be reimbursed by the dealer due to the canceled transaction; But there was not
The consumer's credit card can be credited as stated, the dealer will return the consideration in cash or
In cash check.
(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-regulation (a), the return of consideration, as stated in regulation 7 of a transaction
Continuous shall be subject to section 07D of the Act; If the transaction was made with a credit card, the dealer will cancel the charge
And if the dealer's account wins, the dealer will notify the consumer's credit card company of the cancellation of the transaction
And the credit card company will credit the consumer's credit card with the billing amount, on the following billing date
To the notice of such cancellation provided that the credit card company was able to be reimbursed by the dealer
Due to the canceled transaction; However, it would not have been possible to credit the consumer's credit card as aforesaid, he replied
Dealing with the consumer the consideration in cash or cash check; The transaction was made through debit authorization
Account and debited Consumer account, the dealer will credit the consumer account with the billing amount.
(A) If the consumer cancels the purchase agreement, as stated in regulation 0, the dealer may charge the consumer a fee
Cancellation at the rate of 0% of the price of the goods or service or NIS 022, whichever is lower
Among them.
(B) The credit card transaction was made and the dealer proved to the consumer that the credit card company or
Another body with which he engaged in the business of clearing credit cards, charged him a fee for clearing
The credit card in a canceled transaction, the dealer may also charge the consumer a fee collected from him.
(A) The right of cancellation as stated in these regulations shall not apply with respect to -
A) furniture assembled in the consumer's home;
(0) Goods manufactured specifically for the consumer according to special dimensions or requirements;
(7) goods which by law may not be returned;
1) food products;
A) drugs and supplements;
6) lost goods;
3) Information as defined in the Computers Law, 5755-0880;
9) Goods that can be decided, copied or duplicated, that the consumer has opened their packaging
The original;
8) Lingerie including swimwear;
(02) Gas, as defined in the Arrangements Law in the State Economy (Legislative Amendments), 5798 -988;
(00) A piece of jewelry for which the price paid is higher than NIS 222.7, excluding watches;
(00) Accommodation, travel, leisure and recreation services that are fully performed outside Israel, including
(A) Continuation flight for a flight departing from Israel and provided through an airline
Otherwise) hereinafter - continuation flight (;
B) A vacation package outside of Israel, except for a flight outside and to Israel, which is not
Connecting flight;
Provided that the dealer has disclosed to the consumer, prior to the contract, the terms of the cancellation of a dealer's transaction
Service outside Israel; The burden of proof for the purposes of this paragraph rests with the dealer; In this paragraph -
"Outside of Israel" - except for the area as defined in the Value Added Tax Law, 5730-0830;
"Travel" - flight, sailing, organized trip, etc. in those and sailing, except for the transport of goods.
B) The consumer requested that the goods he ordered be delivered to him at a later date than six months from the date
The transaction, the right of cancellation will not apply if the consumer requested to cancel the transaction after the delivery date.
C) A transaction was made and the consideration was paid by the consumer with purchase notes, a gift voucher or a magnetic card
It is argued that the right of cancellation will not apply to this transaction.
7. The commencement of these regulations is 7 months from the date of their publication.
8 (a) These regulations shall also apply to goods and services provided to the consumer as a gift from a non-dealer
(In this regulation - the gift (provided that the consumer presented the dealer with a replacement note indicating the actual execution of the transaction with
The dealer or other proof regarding the actual execution of the transaction, its date, the amount paid on its behalf and the means of payment.
B) The gift was paid in cash, the return will be returned in cash or by cash check; paid
Waiting by check - If the check is paid, the return of the said consideration will be in cash or in a cash check within
Five business days and if not repaid, the return of the consideration will be within five days from the date repaid;
If the gift is paid by credit card, the return of the consideration will be in cash as long as the consumer account is purchased
Waiting, charged; In this regulation "goods" - including a gift voucher and excluding purchase tokens.
9. In the period up to the nineteenth day of Tevet 5733 (0 January 0207) it shall be deemed that notwithstanding what is stated in the regulation
0 (7,) In the matter of detail) 9) In addition, a consumer may cancel an agreement for the purchase of the subscription service in the said detail within
01 days from the date of making the agreement provided that the cancellation is made 09 days that are not rest days at least, first
To the date of commencement of service.
Regulation 0)
) 0) furniture
0) Home and garden equipment, and excluding unpackaged tableware;
7) An electrical device and an electronic device, including end equipment as defined in the Communications Law (Bezeq)
And Broadcasts (0890-890) (hereinafter - the Communications Law)
1) goods, packaged in their original packaging provided that its packaging was not opened by the consumer;
) 0) Goods ordered by the consumer and not yet delivered to him, even if because he is out of stock and needs to be produced or
To order it provided that the production or order is not according to the dimensions or special requirements of the consumer;
6) water purifier and mineral water facility;
3) clothing and footwear;
9) Accommodation, travel, leisure and recreation services, unless they are fully performed outside Israel
As stated in Regulation 6 (a () 00;) in this paragraph, "outside Israel" and "travel" - as defined in the regulation
;) 00 () a) 6
8) Classes and courses with the exception of a course as defined in the Supervision of Psychometric Institutes Law, 5769-
; 0229
) 02) Cosmetics and aesthetics services, including hair removal treatments;
) 00) long-term vacation deal; In this particular, "long-term vacation deal" - a deal that lasts across
A period exceeding one year, during which a consumer, for a fee, receives mainly the right to receive discounts
Or benefits in connection with accommodation, in addition to or without the other services, such as travel;
) 00) Membership or membership in a discount club;
07) Services provided by a general licensee or a unique general license for the provision of Bezeq Internal Services-
Stationary national, as defined in the Communications Law
01) Services provided by a holder of a general license to provide mobile telephone radio services in the Thai method,
Within the meaning of section 1 (a0) of the Communications Law
(00) Services provided by a special licensee or general permit for the provision of Internet access services,
Granted under sections 1 and 1A 0 of the Communications Act;
(06) Services provided by a broadcasting licensee as defined in the Communications Law
(03) Membership or appointment to a fitness club or health club (Spa);
(09) Membership or appointment in an introductory and matchmaking club;
08) appointment for lotteries and gambling;
(02) Goods and services sold as part of a show event; In this paragraph, "show event" - an event in which
The dealer invites consumers, including means of seduction such as a gift and a win, to display goods or
Services he is interested in selling
(00) a vehicle as defined in the Traffic Ordinance which is a new vehicle purchased from an importer
(00) a piece of jewelry for which the price paid does not exceed NIS 222.7
) 07) Watches